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Food delivery circolare.

Un servizio giornaliero di consegna pasti

in azienda in contenitori riutilizzabili.

Una pausa pranzo salutare,

senza rifiuti di packaging!

Come funziona

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Goditi il tuo piatto preferito senza generare rifiuti di packaging!


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dei contenitori

Riponi i contenitori Zero Impack negli appositi cestini di raccolta.

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dei contenitori

Zero Impack sanifica i contenitori presso il proprio centro di lavaggio.

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dei pasti

Ordina il tuo pasto ogni giorno e ricevilo direttamente in azienda.

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Misurazione dell'impatto

Calcoliamo l'impatto ambientale positivo generato dalla tua azienda e restituiamo un Report di Impatto da integrare al Bilancio di Sostenibilità.

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Il nostro packaging


  • Diversi design e dimensioni a seconda delle specifiche esigenze del cliente.

  • Migliore mantenimento della temperatura e qualità delle pietanze.

  • Riutilizzabile fino a 300 volte.

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Lavaggio e sanificazione

La nostra lavastoviglie industriale a cesto trainato igienizza i contenitori alimentari secondo la norma tedesca DIN e nel pieno rispetto delle normative HACCP.

Pronti per il riuso!


Abbiamo già risparmiato più di 

115.000 packaging monouso.

Caso Studio

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MIND - Milano Innovation District è un distretto tecnologico e scientifico sviluppato nell'area dell'Expo 2015. È un ecosistema innovativo che ospita centri di ricerca, aziende e università, promuovendo la collaborazione tra settore pubblico e privato nei settori della scienza, salute, e sostenibilità.

Risultati raggiunti nel 2024

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+ 50.000

Pasti consegnati


5,5 tonnellate

14 tonnellate

Rifiuti evitati

CO2 risparmiata

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  • What are Zero Impack containers made of?
    Our containers are made in BPA-free, food-grade polypropylene, which is the most suitable material for reusable food packaging. Our containers are microwaveable, dishwasher safe, and freezer-proof. The transparent lids are made of thermo-plastic elastomer (TPE), which guarantees an easy and leak-proof closure.
  • Do I have to empty my containers before returning them to the drop-off bins?
    We kindly ask you to remove any food residual before returning the containers. This will accelerate and facilitate the process of cleaning and sanitization in our industrial dishwasher.
  • Are the containers leak-proof?
    Yes. The leak-proof lid allows to keep liquids and soups inside the container.
  • Are the containers microwave safe?
    The containers are suitable for heating in microwave, however the lids must NOT be placed in the microwave and should be removed before heating.
  • How are the containers sanitized?
    Hygiene of Zero Impack containers is our top priority. Our containers are washed and sanitized by our partner restaurants according to the same hygienic standards that apply to ceramic plates used for consumption ‘on-site’. For very high food delivery volumes (such as in companies or canteens), Zero Impack takes care of collection and sanitization of the containers in industrial dishwashers that comply with the German DIN standard for the washing cycle.
  • How many times can a container be reused?
    Our containers can be reused up to 200 times. Nevertheless, the quality of each container is periodically assessed, and scratched containers can be withdrawn from the cycle whenever necessary. For this reason, we kindly ask you to avoid cutting your meals with sharp knifes directly in the container, to ensure the longest lifetime possible.
  • What happens to the containers at the end of their lifetime?
    Our containers are not only recyclable, but actually recycled. At the end of their lifetime, containers will be withdrawn from the cycle, cleaned, and brought to a recycling facility. We aim at collaborating with an italian circular economy leader that provides collection, transport, and mechanical recycling of both materials in our containers (PP and TPE) separately.
  • How can I make my favourite restaurant aware of you?
    If you would like to order from a new restaurant using our food delivery platform, please send us an email at specifying the restaurant name. We will take it from there!
  • What is the environmental impact of using Zero Impack?
    Each time a Zero Impack container is used, it saves waste and CO2. The exact results were obtained by studying the whole Life Cycle Assessment of a reusable container (production, transport, washing, recycling) in contrast to a single-use container (production, transport, incineration) of different materials - including plastic and paper.
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